According to financial Director of the payment giant Visa Vasant Prabhu thanks to the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies and the lack of their regulation, the digital money enjoy great popularity with criminals and dishonest politicians. Reported by Business Insider.

Prabhu also convinced that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are now “in the bubble”. This is evidenced by the fact that large numbers of unsophisticated investors continuously insists on investing in scriptactive.

“The last warning that you are in a bubble is when the shoeshine boy tells about what the best shares to buy”, — said the conventional wisdom in Finance.

Criminals, says Vasant Prabhu, it is very difficult to launder money through the banking system. For operations with “dirty money”, he said, are much better suited digital money:

“Cryptocurrency is the best suited for such things. I bet every crook and unscrupulous politicians use cryptocurrency”

We will remind, in the beginning of this year Visa left the bitcoin users from Europe without debit cards.
