The Chilean court of appeal ruled on the restoration of a Deposit account cryptocurrency exchanges Orionx in the state Bank Banco Estado, which the financial institution was closed in March. It became known on Thursday, July 12.

The Bank closed the account of the company, explaining his decision with no legal regulation and recognition by the state bodies of cryptocurrency trading. In response, a crypto currency exchange Orionx appealed to the court, joining other Chilean sites, which also closed the banks. Actions of state agencies angered the cryptocurrency community in the country. They launched the Twitter hashtag #ChileQuiereCryptos (#Silicocarbide), and one of the users assessed the impact of the decisions of banks to kriptonyte as extremely negative. “While the world goes hand in hand with the technology, Chile takes a step back” — he wrote.

Appeal Orionx took Fourth chamber of the court of Appeal. The court decided to reopen the account cryptocurrency exchanges and called the Bank’s decision was unjustified and illegal. Such actions violate the Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile, namely article 19, which stipulates the equality of all before the law.

Another crypto currency exchange Buda also has filed an appeal, won his case in April. Then, the antitrust court of Chile has ordered banks Banco del Estado Corpbanca and Itau to restore the company’s accounts.

In may, Mario Marcel (Mario Marcel), the head of the Central Bank of Chile, said that the authority intends to develop a regulatory framework for digital currencies in order to protect the public from risks that may occur during buying and selling. A month earlier, the Government of Chile spoke about the plans of introduction of blockchain Ethereum in the energy sector. The public register will store the statistical data that, according to the authorities, improve safety measures and will monitor the accuracy of the information.

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