Some banks are suffering from the severe economic crisis of Venezuela started to display the account balances of users in the national bitcoin El Petro, reports
Thus, despite the fact that most people are not particularly interested in using “secure oil” crypto-currencies, financial institutions in the country comply with the orders of the authorities, actively integrating new means of payment in online banking. We are talking in particular about Venezuelan banks, Mercantil and Banesco. Also the source reports that soon the example of these banks will follow BBVA Provincial and BFC.
In August, the government of Venezuela in the framework of the monetary reform conducted a denomination depreciated due to hyperinflation of the local currency. Of denomination of the old currency was removed five zeros. The authorities also promised to tie a new currency, the bolÃvar soberano (“sovereign Bolivar”), to digital currency El Petro. In addition, the head of the country Nicolas Maduro announced the binding system of prices and wages.
Some time later, Reuters had a journalistic investigation, during which it became clear that El Petro unsecured.
Meanwhile, the volume purchases of BTC via LocalBitcoins in Venezuela has reached a historic high.
Data: CoinDance
This suggests that many residents are still looking for salvation from hyperinflation and socialist experiments in the good old bitcoin.
We will remind, last month the Venezuelan government called the us sanctions against El Petro “free advertising” of cryptocurrency.