Analysts of investment company Hash CIB estimated the potential growth of the Gram — native blockchain token Telegram. It is expected that after the launch of the core network TON the asset may rise several times, including due to service TON that are not initially associated with bloccano.

The platform includes a TON of cloud storage, DNS, and VPN; according to experts, by 2026, the Telegram may take up to 10% in each of these markets. The company will have to compete with IT giants and “unicorns” blockchain-industry (startup with a market capitalization above $1 billion).

The model presented in the report Hash CIB, involves the growth of efficient cost Gram to $5.9; despite the fact that, according to the project documentation TON, during the next round of sales the cost of the token will be at least $3.62 million. Given that the second stage of the ICO investors redeemed a token at a rate of $1,33, they can expect a threefold increase in investment.

When you forecast the cost of a gram of Hash CIB experts was guided by the hypothetical factors and risks that could not be realized. Among the services TON a dominant component of the cost model, analysts have become crypto-currency mobile payments, said senior analyst CIB Hash Rustam Botashev. He added that the market is in any case will not evaluate the token Telegram is rational, as in the case of cryptocurrencies.

In addition, a role in pricing will play what fraction is a TON in various markets; however, analysts believe that this impact will be negligible. So, according to the calculations of the Hash CIB, by 2026, the TON will be able to take 10% of markets VPN, DNS, and cloud storage, and the total volume of transactions the network can reach $17.1 billion per year.

In terms of geographical markets, some experts believe that TON is not enough competitive to work in individual regions. Managing partner of Leta Capital Alexander Chachava said that the network needed to consider a new target audience:

“Telegram is not a sufficient penetration in the markets where this platform will be most popular in Western Europe, USA, Asia”.

Chachava considers that any is more popular in these markets platform WeChat, Facebook and others — will not allow TON create high demand for their services. Skeptical received VPN network component Telegram:

“As far as I know the concept of the proxy service and is not represented. Although I welcome new technology in the VPN market, it is difficult to predict the value of what can not yet be estimated,” said CEO TorGuard (Benjamin Van Pelt).

Previously, “Vedomosti” reported that the TON platform is ready at 70% and will be launched in test mode this fall; the beginning of work testnet has not been announced so far.