Not all blackany the same. Every week we hear about new applications of the blockchain, which promises a better and brighter future. Now the blockchain is not only used for cryptocurrency – appear entirely new and even unexpected ways of applying it.

Given the great diversity of cases of alleged use of the block chain there were two fundamentally different models: controlled and centerstone. Let’s find out what these two terms.

Centerstone blackany

Many believe that sensoristica model is closer to the original concept of the blockchain, stated Satoshi Nakamoto.

Centerstone blockchain is pretty simple as its name implies – you do not need permission in order to become a member of this network and to contribute to its contents. Theoretically anyone can take part in its work. Centerastronaut in this case is closely bordered by the publicity of such systems.

Since anyone can join centerstick the blockchains, they tend to be much decentralizovanno compared to the controlled systems. One of the downsides centerstone of blockchains is that they are slower controlled blockchains.

Information about transactions stored in the block chain sensoristica, usually verified by the community. What is happening is not controlled and is not regulated by a third party and the truth of the transaction can only confirm the community consensus. What if you want more control and privacy?

Controlled blackany

Controlled blackany overturn the very idea of the block chain from the feet to the head. Initially, the blockchain was invented as an open, free and public system, but controlled blackany become the exact opposite of that. Controlled blackany also often called private.

Here also, it’s pretty simple: controlled blackany require permission to join him. And only the owner of the network can decide who can participate and who isn’t. Such control also means that the owner of blockchain chooses the network structure, releases a software update, and typically controls everything that happens in the blockchain.

The information controlled by the block chain can be inspected only by authorized members of the network. The owner can also decide who can provide information and control over it. In some cases, the community will also be able to view certain information stored on private controlled blockchain.

Take, for example, the American supermarket Walmart, which plans to track the vegetables through the blockchain, aiming to reduce the number of bacteria E. Coli in foods. Such information can be checked / approved by Walmart and its suppliers, but to the wider community of participants in the blockchain available only the information about the origin of the product.

Controlled blackany more scalable, and they can work faster at the expense of centralization and a smaller volume of processed information.

Controlled blackany become quite popular: they are used by banks, supermarkets, shipping companies and even telecommunication firms.


In sensoristica the block chain transactions are validated by the community. In controlled systems, the transactions are verified by a select group, the composition of which is approved by the owner of the blockchain.

Controlled systems tend to be more scalable and fast, and everything is decided centrally. Centerstone system open to all, and they are more decentralized; however, their disadvantage is a lower speed and scalability.
