Cryptocurrency Gram, which in course ICO Telegram was acquired by the investors, can rise several times after the launch of blockchain-platform Telegram Open Network (TON). To such conclusion analysts of the investment company Hash CIB, assessing the potential of investment.
According to them, the rising cost of Gram will be provided with output Telegram to the markets not originally associated with bloccano, including VPN services and DNS. In the model Hash CIB rational cost per unit Gram can amount to $5.9, 4.4 times higher than the price of $1,33, it was realized in the second phase ICO.
Evaluation of Gram stems, in part, of a share in different markets that can potentially occupy a TON, plan to present their services in 2019. So, 10% of the VPN market, according to preliminary estimates, will take a TON to 2026 and will maintain until 2028. 1% of the DNS market TON can take a in 2022, four years later — to increase the share to 10%, analysts estimate. The situation is similar in the market of cloud storage: a tenth of a TON Storage service may take by 2026, the volume of transactions may amount to $17.1 billion per year.
However, a platform with a small team of developers are waiting for the competition with IT giants and “blockchain unicorns”, warn investors.
As previously reported, the blockchain-TON platform will be launched in test mode until the end of fall 2018. The developers has successfully completed development of the most critical components required to run the test version, and the platform is ready on 70%.
In case of failure of the launch platform TON and its cryptocurrency until 31 October 2019 Telegram is going to return money to investors.