ASIC miners mined up 85.2% of all units in the network centric for increased privacy in cryptocurrency Monero. To such conclusion the researcher under the name MoneroCrusher studying recruitment Nosov (arbitrary numbers) miners.

As noted MoneroCrusher, the value of the nons is random and ranges from 0 to 232. However, between blocks #1,500,000 #1,546,500 on the chart of the distribution of nonsov clearly visible thick white lines, which according to the researcher, suggests that the selection was not random. The share of ASIC miners in herate was too big to hide.

“In April of 2018, after hard forks of Monero network, Hasrat fell sharply, and those fatty white stripes instantly disappeared. We can conclude that these bands are nothing but Nancy produced ASIC hardware to upgrade Protocol”, — he wrote.

Another surge ASIC miners fell in June (unit #1,597,000), but then it remained practically unnoticed. MoneroCrusher stressed that on the chart of the distribution of nonsov appeared a kind of “wall” suddenly increased randomness. He is convinced that while ASIC miners, analyzing their mistakes, and implemented a fully randomized search.

However, they did not consider that the selection of nonsov network Monero is actually not so random as it seems at first glance. Most of them were found below the 1.45*10⁷, and for specific mining ON the range has been even narrower. In the summer of ASIC miners managed to dislodge part of the GPU-miners by the excessive randomness.

After hard forks in October, the schedule distribution of nonsov not changed significantly since ASIC miners have partially conceal its presence, while the white stripes became brighter and this means that some devices upgrade failed.

ASIC miners returned at the end of December 2018. The researcher found a dramatic increase in the area under 1.342*10⁹ and the decline in other areas, as well as decrease the brightness of the bands distribution, which pointed to the centralization of mining.

“At the time of writing, Hasrat network Monero has grown to 810 Mh/s: 255% since the advent of ASIC at the end of December 2018,” concluded MoneroCrusher.

He concluded that the current number of ASIC miners in the network Monero is about 5400 pieces (about 85% of the entire network).

After the publication of this study, the Monero developers have promised to hardforce to combat ASIC devices every 90 days, twice as often as before. However, some community members are concerned that this may be detrimental to the development of other characteristics of the Protocol due to excessive concentration of developers on a single problem.

In turn, the chief developer of Monero Ricardo Spanyi stated that they plan to prevent ASIC miners “only for a certain period of time,” according to Trustnodes.

“Cryptocurrency is interested in the presence of ASIC miners in the network. However, these devices must be less than now,” — he stressed.

In may 2018 the main developer of the Protocol Sia David Warwick said that the secret ASIC devices on the network Monero was launched in March of 2017, and the threat of attack 51% took place in the course of the year — until the following spring and regular forks.

Consensus 2018: why the biggest event the industry has not led to consensus on cryptocurrency рынке #bitcoin #mining

— ForkLog (@ForkLog) 22 may 2018

Recall, according to researchers at king’s College London and Madrid University Carlos III of 4.32% of the total supply mined Monero hidden miners.
