A recent study by Deloitte showed that 44% of us managers believe that the blockchain “overrated”.

Deloitte conducted an international study, which surveyed more than 1,000 managers interested in bloccano, from seven countries: USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Germany and China. It turned out, 39% of respondents in all countries believe that around technology of the distributed registry is raised too much hype. In the US, these skeptics showed 44% of the total number of respondents. Their number increased compared with the year 2016 — then the blockchain considered overvalued 34%.

The main problem with the blockchain industry, according to skeptics, is that despite the constant talk about technology, the real cases of its application, there are not so many. Researchers from Deloitte have concluded that fatigue “blockchain” develops in those who understand what technology capabilities are much discussed, but little used.

The companies face many challenges when trying to implement the blockchain in the existing business model. A third of respondents cited the main obstacle is the uncertainty of return on investment. Only 34% of the respondents are said that tried to work with bloccano no matter what.

How to write analysts at Deloitte, the results can be a indicator that the blockchain industry is moving in the wrong direction. However, researchers are confident that these changes in attitudes are rather a reflection of the shift towards pragmatism and an acceptance of a new technology is much broader than it may seem. However, it is worth remembering that in 2016, the company is Deloitte still overestimated the rate of spread of the blockchain, and the experts ‘ forecasts for the most part not true.

Trying to find the cause of the high volatility of cryptocurrencies, the researchers said that part of the blame lies with the traders who helped to create the blockchain is not very good reputation among the General public. But it seems that the hype around the technology will last a long time: nearly 40% of executives surveyed said that in 2019, their companies are investing in blockchain from $5 million and more.

We will remind that in the beginning of the month, the rating Agency ICORating presented a report, according to which market the ICO over the past year has doubled, while increased the number of institutional investors.