Blockchain startup introduced a new version of network software EOS — 1.3.0. Details of the release have been published on GitHub.

EOSIO 1.3 Release

— (@EOS_io) September 19, 2018.

The developers noted the growing stream of comments, through which they can improve the technical component of the Protocol in accordance with user needs. AT will be updated every second Tuesday of subsequent months.

The team also decided to share regular reports, which would allow to keep the community project in the know.

In EOSIO V1.2.0 focused on reducing the time of installation, the nodes and speeding up the synchronization of the blockchain. In the new version of the development vector remains: the developers have implemented a lightweight solution validation units from trusted manufacturers.

Note that the current backend has been replaced with a number of tools based on the standard WebAssembley. The developers hope that blackany on the basis of EOSIO will be able to increase the effectiveness of each microsecond of processing transactions.

Also in said that in later releases of the utility eosiocpp for writing smart contracts, decentralized applications will be gradually abolished. So, in 1.3.0 presents an alternative to EOSIO.CDT with support for programming languages and Gnu C++.

Recall release 1.1.0 EOSIO took place in late July.
