Steering technical Committee approved the Hyperledger project Ursa, modular cryptographic library for developers of solutions based on the technology of the distributed registry.

NEWS: welcome Hyperledger Ursa, the latest project to join the Hyperledger family! Ursa is a modular, flexible cryptography library designed by teams at @fujitsulabs @intel @SovrinID @StateStreet @bitwiseIO + others. Learn more:

Is Hyperledger (@Hyperledger) December 4, 2018

As stated in the Hyperledger, as their growing project needs in more complex cryptographic solutions. One of them is to become Ursa, which will help in the transition from the implementation of individual protocols to work with shared library.

The project is to prevent time wasting that occurs when working on the duplicate solutions, as well as to improve safety by simplifying the analysis and reducing the likelihood that less experienced users create own insecure implementation.

It is also assumed that Ursa will provide expert assessment of all cryptographic code and will simplify cross-platform compatibility, since the project will use the shared library.

The library itself is divided into two small groups: the first contains a simple, standardized, modular cryptographic algorithms, the second – “more exotic cryptography”. As examples of the latter is indicated, for example, SNARKs, and aggregated signatures.

Ursa code written primarily in the language of Rust, however, will also support the interfaces of all the languages that are commonly used in Hyperledger.

We will remind, in October it was announced the partnership between the Hyperledger Project and Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Its aim is the creation of uniform standards for corporate distributed networks developed by members of these two organizations.

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