Twitter users @marabrito31 and Antoine Ferron solved the puzzle for $1000 in bitcoin, which was hidden in a Paris muralov. The solution was found in less than a week after the creation of the mural.

. @marabrito31 & I just found the @pascalboyart ‘s mural painting puzzle in Paris. We are very happy to win this race. We thank PBoy, @alistairmilne, and every people involved in this artwork for their creativity.

— Antoine Giver of Etherium (@a_ferron) 13 Jan 2019.

Ferron explained the solution to the puzzle. To the right of the frescoes he found the inscription “seed of 12 words”, who told him that the mural is encrypted 12 words, which opens access to the bitcoin wallet with a reward.

6 words are around Marianne’s head written white over white, base64, AES and Cesar cypher.
6 others are in color block in the barcodes palette VanGogh style background, 2 colors for each letters.
Full story in a post next week.

— Antoine Giver of Etherium (@a_ferron) 13 Jan 2019.

“The first six words were hidden in the background to the color of the strokes that hide words in a binary form from six primary colors (two color bands for each letter). The remaining six words are hidden on a white background for Marianne in the form of inscriptions, visible only at night”, — he wrote.

Fluorescent labels were encoded with the Caesar cipher, Base64, and 128-bit AES.

After decoding Ferron and his friend received a seed-a phrase drawn from the French word list for standard BIP39: banquier usure mensonge peuple combat espoir citoyen union conduire triomphe horizon jaune — banker usury lie people struggle the hope of a Union citizen drive triumph horizon yellow.

Also he attached to the tweet is a screenshot of the successful transfer of compensation to your wallet:

Recall, the mural with the encrypted puzzle was created by a street artist Pascal Barton at the beginning of January to the 10th anniversary of the Genesis block of bitcoin. The work of the artist is an allusion to the famous painting of Eugene Delacroix “Liberty leading the people”.
