30 June saw the launch of a public blockchain Aldona VeChain Thor. This event waited on the market, but most of all hope for a new technological platform lay investors in the cryptocurrency.

Are the words that VeChain creates a “perfect block” as Sonny Lou, a former Director of subsidiary of the company Louis Vuitton in China and now founder VeChain, together with like-minded people decided to avoid all those mistakes and weaknesses that exist in distributed registries of ether and bitcoin. The idea is not new: Bitcoin Cash is trying to show that he’s faster than bitcoin, and deals with BCH safer, more private and much cheaper than cryptocurrency is the number one. How to check whether it is really so? Like it or not, but the investment in certain kryptonite — the voices of investors who show that they believe in their further growth (or don’t believe, if dropped).

VeChain Thor managed to produce the first unit — the process has begun. All in accordance with the roadmap. As the market responded to on June 30? Yes, almost nothing! Growth on June 30 9.95% to $2,69 against the background of a number of cryptocurrencies (for example, ether, Bitcoin, Cash, litecoin and EOS) was shown at the “green” market of double-digit percentage growth, means that VeChain was a maximum in the trend. So the “left” VeChain with network Ethereum, but the air has risen more, and therefore investor confidence ETH deeper. This is no coincidence: VeChain in relation to Ethereum over the last seven days fell 1.8%, and 30 days — by 4.6%. The trend is clear: even in a depressed market live shows the best result.

Blockchain VeChain, which works on the basis of the Protocol Proof-of-Authority (PoA), is not in the full sense of decentralized, Yes, it recognizes and Sonny Lou, who is looking for a balance between centralization and decentralization. The network looks like, how to control the block chain EOS and TRON. However, the example of these two altcoins it is clear that no there is no decentralization: management of the nodes is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people who have all the opportunities for cooperation with each other, and establish and modify rules, such as “freezing” account in the network in accordance with their vision, and easier to say — in their own interests.

Another point which causes concern is how will the migration token on a private network with network Ethereum. This raises the risk of hacker attacks and a disappearance of the tokens that recognize and VeChain. Not regulated in advance and the work process clients cryptobinary at the time of transfer tokens to a private blockchain: migration should occur in mid-July, and it may be a temporary “freezing” of funds in the wallets, but when that happens, the trading platform in advance, alas, not misleading.

Vladislav Ginko, economist, expert at the Russian public service Academy at the President of the Russian Federation, especially for Coinspot
