Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the establishment of Centre of monitoring and control communication network for General use. The new structure will comply with the Roskomnadzor, Izvestia reports.

The Center will include the “traffic handling domestic Telecom operators and state systems of data transmission” to ensure the security of the Russian segment of the Internet.

Thus, experts say, the government is going to deal with “gray schemes” of traffic across the border, which Russian operators annually lose more than 375 million roubles.

Project funding is provided in the budget of Roscomnadzor and the Ministry of communications, and will not require any additional funding, assured in the government.

The centre needs to be established before July 1, and subordinate system — in period until January 1, 2020, after approval of work schedule with the FSB.

We will remind, creation of the monitoring Centre provides for the bill of exclusion of the Russian Internet, which was adopted in the first reading on 12 February.

Experts have warned that its implementation will affect all businesses, including cryptocurrency, and will cost taxpayers 20 billion.
