Today, 15 November, held hardwork of Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The first block of the blockchain the Bitcoin ABC pool added

Data: CoinDance

Thus, the last “bloc” was produced SVPool unit #556,766, which was activated by the update Protocol.

SV Bitcoin mined the first block. Now it is precisely possible to speak about the division of the Bitcoin Cash for the two competing blockchain.

Roger Ver just before hardforum said that his pool sent fall amount of power for mining Bitcoin ABC.

The pool now has more hash rate on it than the entire BCH network had earlier today.
Bitcoin is cash for the world! #BitcoinCash #bitcoincashfork

— Roger Ver (@rogerkver) December 15, 2018

Asset BCHABC traded on the exchange Poloniex is much more expensive than BCHSV:

Some time later, the separation of the SV from Bitcoin Bitcoin ABC by quantity produced decreased slightly. Also, apparently, “attack of the 51%” is cancelled.

Exchange Bitfinex announced the enrollment of the coin BAB and BSV on account holders BCH.

BAB and BSV have been successfully credited to Bitfinex users and BCH positions have been claimed. The BCH symbol will not be assigned until the fork is complete.

— Bitfinex (@bitfinex) November 15, 2018

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