Payment startup Circle introduced the Collections feature that allows app users to conveniently invest in several categories of cryptocurrency Platforms, Payments, and Privacy. This was reported in the company blog.

According to officials of the Circle, a few months ago the app has been added the function of Buy the Market that allows one click to buy “on the market”, all the app assets. This “trick” was so successful that it is already used by a total of 30% of users.

“Continuing this trend, we are launching three additional collections Platform, Payments and Privacy. Users can buy these assets from each category with a single click”, — noted in the blog Circle.

As you can see in the screenshot above, the collection of Payments currently includes four cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, Cash Bitcoin, Stellar and Litecoin. The weight of these assets in the collection are proportional to their market capitalization.

The app is available for mobile operating systems iOS and Android.

Earlier, Circle presented a selection criteria scriptactive for listing on the bitcoin exchange Poloniex.
