December 24, started the first school for blockchain developers, which is a 4-month practical course from Blockchain HUB Academy. The course was created on the initiative and efforts of the Blockchain Association of Ukraine and is the first of a series planned for the educational projects of the Association on technology.

“The purpose of the initiative is to prepare technical professionals for kriptonyte. We know that open source development open source is a kind of “ikigai”, a matter of life and dream for many professionals. This is one of the few niches where a rapidly growing industry provides ample opportunities for the monetization of knowledge, while simultaneously giving a sense of satisfaction from the creation of value, where the products created are open to the world and each is a brick in the Foundation of a new paradigm of economic relations. Ukraine is willing to learn and are carriers of unique knowledge, so we see a win-win situation for all stakeholders”, — said Vice-President of BAU Vitalyi Bulychev.

Over the program worked together experts from Distributed Lab, Pandora Boxchain, Kuna Exchange, Remme, Atticlab, BlockSoftLab etc.

The course is divided into two parts: the first Way Satoshi is dedicated to the “classic” bitcoin blockchain and the basics of the technology of the distributed registry, the second PoSt-Satoshi Era — a whole range of technologies and trends that appeared after bitcoin. Students will learn how to fully create a blockchain wallets and smart contracts to work with different methodologies and protocols, to acquire knowledge in the field of cryptography, game theory, etc.

The course is entirely practical format of teaching, lack of teachers, maximum load and tasks of high complexity, based on real cases blockchain projects. Upon completion of the program students will possess the necessary expertise and skills for self-development of young blocca solutions.

“It was decided the first run done with our partners, the University UNIT Factory. Because the course is designed for developers who have already mastered some knowledge in programming, selection was performed among students who have attained a certain level of training. The result was recruited a group of 30 students who proceed to the first job already this week. In the future we plan to run the course for everyone”, — said CEO of the Association Natalia Drik.

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