While the cue ball is in a stage of “calm before the storm”, in the lab memes continue to boil serious passions.

Look at the price — and the horror sneaks:

Only accept:

… and a new shot:

It remains to go from one pain level to another:

Mmm, perspective…

Still think that trading is good for you?

From ridiculous attempts to profit:

…time to move on to decisive action, as did the founder of crypto currency exchange Kuna Michael chobanian. In Baptism, he plunged into an impromptu “bitcoin-hole” in the name of the cue ball, ether and the Holy Satoshi Nakamoto) Now certainly the growth is guaranteed!

And if the main characters of this battle are clear:

Then there are characters who prefer to be outside:

…because it’s a very different tale:

Have odegradable and enough) Take care of self-development with educational VIDOS for
YouTube channel ForkLog) Then brag about!
