Startup Circle announced April 30 that includes an anonymous cryptocurrency zcash for in the list of options as part of its investment application. The company explained in his blog that from now on the users of the platform Circle Invest can buy zcash for cryptocurrency and invest in it along with the already available for these transactions, bitcoin, Cash Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and litecoin.

The statement said:

Circle Invest mission is to democratize the process of investing in scriptactive, giving the opportunity to every consumer. Expanding the range of assets available to Invest Circle, will remain one of the aspects of the mission. Of course, we will also continue to exert maximum effort to guarantee everyone access to crypto without any “cryptology”. In other words, we will make sure that always and everywhere could use the cryptocurrency.

Investment the app was announced last year and actually started operations in March 2018. Although initially the application was running only in 46 States, not including new York, Minnesota, Wyoming and Hawaii, and now new Yorkers received access to it. In the other three States named above, the app is still not available. This was announced by senior product Manager Circle Invest Rachel Meyer.

She told CoinDesk that “the Circle has established a working group that will search for the best cryptocurrency assets to clients”, but did not answer the question of why the choice fell on the zcash for.

However, as noted by Mayer, one of the criteria of the presence of tokens on the platform is “compliance with performance standards prescribed in the license of the company.”

Recall that in recent years, the Circle demonstrates significant progress, including purchase of the Poloniex exchange, extension staff and other important steps.
