According to statistics company W3Techs, WordPress now employs more than 30% of all websites on the Internet. And according to Troy Morcha, an expert on cyber security from Bad Packets Report, 48 953 WordPress site infected mining scripts. Thus, the epidemic of malicious software for covert mining is getting out of control, reports The Next Web.

The researcher notes that Coinhive remains the most common mining script, which accounts for about 40 000 infected sites, that is, 81% of all registered cases. The remaining 19% are divided between different alternatives Coinhive such as Crypto-Loot (2057), CoinImp (4119), Minr (692) and deepMiner (2160).

It is worth noting that in November last year March identified more than 30,000 websites infected Coinhive, and in February, researchers found a host of government resources and public portals, which quietly worked minimovie scripts.

The researcher has published a list of 7,000 infected websites, found from the 20th of January this year (14 of them in the domain .EN, two .ua and one in .by). The document says the following:

Some of these sites have already removed cryptogramophone, however, many still pose a threat. Enter at your own risk.

Also read: Cryptogenic gaining momentum and becoming truly dangerous
