A group of independent developers has announced that the network infrastructure EOS in its current form untenable. The report, compiled jointly with Whiteblock Labs and published on 18 November at BitMEX Research, emphasizes the need to restructure the architecture of EOS.

After a series of laboratory tests, the researchers came to the conclusion that the real throughput of the blockchain EOS slightly higher than Ethereum chain and its consensus algorithm works correctly. At the conclusion of the report, the developers write:

“In order to be claimed as the underlying Protocol, EOS must re-form architecture.”

The analysis of the architecture showed that EOS on the device much closer to the centralized server cluster, than to the blockchain. The researchers explain:

“In fact, the structure of EOS is more like architecture a centralized platform for cloud computing, devoid of the key components of the blockchain or peer-to-peer network. The generators EOS extremely centralized and users access the network only through the mediation of generators. They — the main drawback of the whole system.”

In addition, the researchers found that the “Byzantine generals problem” (BFT), which is the basis of a consensus algorithm, EOS, in reality, incompatible with this kind of architecture and is in fact missing.

Throughput tests EOS showed that one of the main claimed benefits of the network — high speed machining operations, is also not implemented. In realistic conditions, the EOS handles less than 50 transactions per second — approximately the same as Ethereum, the authors of the report. Like many leaders of industry and members of the community, they also mentioned the high degree of censorship.

The latest incident, supposedly caused by a rigid hierarchy within the network of EOS occurred last week when one of the arbitrators already abolished the verified transaction.