Today the Singapore company PundiX demonstrated the decentralized mobile OS on a smartphone XPhone. Software and telecommunications components of the device are placed on the blockchain. It is expected that the XPhone will go on sale in the second quarter of 2019.

The functionality of a smartphone provides all standard operations: data transmission, incoming and outgoing calls, SMS, etc. In contrast to the mass available on the market, XPhone able to work independently from the mobile operator, using the nodes of the network instead of the SIM card.

Data transfer “any type” is using a private Protocol PundiX FXTP. This Protocol will also be used when you publish decentralized applications (dApps). The files and information will be stored in a distributed subsystem IPFX. More information about the blockchain ecosystem Function X XPhone will be published October 15.

CEO and co-founder PundiX Zack Chia (Cheah Zac) stated that the appearance of the XPhone on the market can lead to the creation of a global grassroots network with many nodes, which can be used to optimize and deepen decentralization of the basic ecosystems.

Technical Director PundiX pitt Hwang (Pitt Huang) have focused on the value of FunctionX for the industry as a whole:

“The blockchain is like the Internet in the early stages of development, in the early’ 90s; innovation system and a decentralized Protocol such as Functon of X will change the blockchain in the same way as the browsers have changed the Internet. To begin with, she passes the network in the hands of millions […] returning to people control over their personal data, but it also solves many other problems.”

By 2021 PundiX plans to sell 100,000 units; the first batch has already been sent to the UK, Switzerland, Colombia, Taiwan, South Korea and Brazil.

PundiX not the only company using the blockchain for software database own mobile devices. Opened in September sales “sirsasana” device Sikur; also to enter the market prepares Finney production Sirin Labs. In may, the release of blockchain-Exodus smartphone announced HTC; smartphone should go on sale before the end of this year.