The first hardwork anonymous cryptocurrency zcash for successful. As expected, it took place on the 500 block 347, which was formed on June 26 at 03:42 GMT.

Recall that the main goal of the upgrade Overwinter is preparing for a larger update called Sapling, scheduled for October. Additionally, the company blog says that Overwinter the first implementation of two-level models control for updates to the Protocol implemented zcash for.

The first level will be the upgrade of choice (opt-in). This means that all nodes of the system will be able to update your site in accordance with the latest rules of the Protocol. The purpose of the updates opt-in is to eliminate the chaos made by other models, forcing users to force to move in a particular direction.

Second level support and education. Its essence lies in the fact that the operators of the nodes was able to make an informed decision within a reasonable time. Speaking for the upgrade Overwinter, zcash for beginning to work with miners, exchanges, wallets and suppliers, talking about this implementation before activating the hard forks.

As a result, according to the engineer zcash for Simon Liu (Simon Liu) this upgrade is unanimously supported by all parties, which are listed at Overwinter. Including exchange AirTM, Binance, Bitfinex,, Poloniex, Huobi Pro, Gemini, pools F2Pool and FlyPool and wallets Cryptonator Wallet, Exodus and Wallet best wallet.

Immediately after the activation of hard forks, the company has published its proposals for the addition of a two-year roadmap. The zcash for team conducted an assessment of recommendations and options given the time and budget constraints in four areas: ease of use, innovation, sustainability and decentralization. In the end, they have set ourselves the following intermediate goals.

First, zcash for the developers believe that it is necessary to increase usability. To do this, they want to improve the user experience acquisition, use, and integrate in zcash for third-party solutions, including wallets, exchanges, vendors and other service providers. It is planned to create a reference implementation of the mobile wallet along with libraries and open source to help accelerate the adoption of third parties.

Second, privacy by default. The zcash for the Protocol and support tools such as reference wallet needs to support a broad adoption of privacy. This can contribute to engineering upgrades, as well as business development, regulatory education, ecosystem and marketing activities aimed at raising awareness and acceptance.

In addition, the company plans to conduct market research to study the examples of usage worldwide, to better understand current practice and identify opportunities for improvement.

Zcash for stresses that these priorities are recommended and not final. Over the next few weeks will be collecting feedback from representatives of the community, after which the road map will be revised, finalized and published.

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