The head of the company developing the web browser with the function of the cryptocurrency Finance Brave, wrote a letter to the U.S. Senate, urging lawmakers to adopt regulations in the field of data privacy similar to those recently introduced in Europe.

In a letter dated 28 September and addressed to the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, science and transportation, Brave CEO Brendan Eich (Brendan Eich) said that the Congress should adopt regulations similar to those contained in the General regulation on personal data protection (GDPR) regulation mechanism, establishing the rules for the treatment of user data within the European Union.

Adopted in 2016 and put into effect this year, GDPR aims to strengthen regulatory standards in the area of privacy, allowing consumers greater control over the use made of their personal data.

Calling GDPR “great equalizer”, AICH says that, contrary to the assumption that strengthening the regulations helps the players, already occupied a significant position in the market, such a policy will greatly simplify market entry for startups, since “heavyweights” in this case has to make a huge work with the data.

Arguing that “the nature of GDPR coincides with the American understanding of confidentiality,” Eich wrote:

“Given that regulators are expanding the scope of application of the new rules in Europe, the principle of “limitation of purpose” GDPR will start to discourage the use of the dominant platforms of the data that they have collected for purposes related to the one aspect of their business, for the benefit of other components of their business in a way that currently puts at a disadvantage new entrants. In General, the platform giants will need consent to “opt-in” in respect of each of the goals in which they want to use user data. This will provide living space for the emergence of new parties.”

As the Creator of Javascript and cofounder of Mozilla, aggressive advertising policy, do not use the basic principles of personal information protection, which involves the tracking of user behaviour and on micro targeting, is not necessary for online publishers is becoming more common locking services, known as adBlocker. So, as of the end of last year already 615 million devices used the software for blocking ads — in the opinion of Eich, this suggests that the modern advertising model finally outlived its usefulness.

“Contrary to the opinion of some colleagues from the industry, I am sure that no one platform, publisher, technology provider or trading company has no reason to assert the need to monitor the actions of people to generate income from advertising. Confidence will return only when laws similar to GDPR, will begin to limit the worst practices of the industry online says AICH.

As you know, the Brave company, initially supported by the initial placement of tokens (ICO) in 2017, plans to turn the model of digital advertising, partially, with your Basic token Attention Token (BAT). The browser goes to the block is by default and allowing users with their consent to view advertisements do not use the tracking system. According to the concept of the income, which eventually get publishers, much greater than that at the moment offers most third-party advertising services.

The letter to Congress is “the last blow” total offensive Brave, techno-conglomerate Google, accused the company of Eich to use unscrupulous business practices relating to advertising and data protection, or their complete absence.

Last month, Brave filed a complaint against Google in the UK and Ireland, referring to it on the rules of the GDPR, relying on large-scale policy review techno giant in the field of data protection in the EU that may face him a fabulous amount of the fine.

Brave has also replaced Google, as a search engine by default for users in France and Germany, Qwant, which makes the accent on privacy. Whether it was a warning, a reminder that the Corporation, at the time, selected a place under the sun among the other heavyweights of the industry, too, will have to pay?

Although the rate of market share does not allow to call Brave a major player, the company has demonstrated impressive growth in 2018: today the developers of browser reported 4 million active users per month on all types of devices. The browser also received a positive assessment of the editorial staff of the American magazine Popular Science, describing it as an attractive alternative to Chrome and Safari.

Takeoff Brave and contributed to the recent update of Google Chrome, which, according to security experts, showed just a humiliating attitude to the privacy of user data, requiring users to “log in” to your browser when you log into Google, such as Gmail or Docs.