The second-largest U.S. Bank, Bank of America introduced the concept of systems to store cryptocurrency businesses. The patent and trademark office (USPTO) the US has already issued the Bank a patent for its implementation.

The concept proposed by the Bank, implies that the system will contain separate accounts for clients of companies, which will be credited the amount equivalent to the amount of client’s funds in cryptocurrency. She cryptocurrency will be stored on accounts of the enterprises and convert it is not necessary. Customers still will be able to make transactions with the funds directly in your account.

“Companies can conduct a large number of financial transactions. With the development of technology will become more prevalent financial transactions with cryptocurrencies. Some businesses can aggregate all cryptocurrencies deposited by customers in one account”, — is said in the patent application.

To solve this task, the system is equipped with a processor and memory for storage of private keys. In the patent it is reported that the system has a low bandwidth and uses less memory, consuming a small amount of computational and energy resources. The authors of the proposal believe that such characteristics are more likely a plus than a minus, because you can save a lot of money.

We will remind that about weeks ago, Bank of America received from the USPTO a patent for the development of a system for remote storage of cryptocurrency private keys. The system will respond quickly to attempt to hack the device in which keys are stored. The very same storage device Bank patented in late October.