Technical Director and co-founder Stellar, and the Creator of Mt. Gox, jed McCaleb (Jed McCaleb) told CNBC about his vision of a single, global payment systems, a crucial role in which will play a blockchain.

Stellar, which, like Ripple, blockchain is an international platform for foreign exchange transactions with its own cryptocurrency, currently trying to create such a network.

“In the future will exist and function in a universal payment network, for me it’s quite obvious,” said McCaleb.

According to machalaba, such decision will not necessarily be based on bitcoin or Ethereum, but will include “a public register in which people can look, but can not arbitrarily change.”

He added that the development of this idea will facilitate the use of Fiat currencies through blockchain, allowing people to “use what they are accustomed to, such as dollars and euros.”

In the future, in digital format, using blockchain technology can advance not only the payments, but also such traditional assets as equities. According to McCaleb, this can potentially happen until 2028:

“I would not be surprised if in the next 10 years, the entire capital will be tokenserver on some blockchain”.

We will remind, this week jed McCaleb also told about the plans of developers to implement Stellar technology Lightning up to the end of the year.