Starting in April, visitors of the filling stations in Austria will be able to purchase tokens Dash.
In Austria, vending machines cryptocurrency exist in 2014. Three years ago in the country there was a system Bitcoinbon that allows you to buy bitcoins using prepaid cards in the 4000 tobacco shops and gas stations.
The procedure is similar to the replenishment of accounts of mobile phone or Amazon account: each special code for a certain number of tokens. Last year the system started selling Litecoin, and Ethereum, and soon be added to the Dash.
Bitcoinbon is a project of the Austrian brokerage cryptoform Coinfinity. In addition to prepaid cards, the company has online services through which you can also purchase Dash.
Guide Dash chooses a rather unusual place to work, away from the popular cryptoheros. The company has made significant progress in Venezuela, and this program Embassy Dash D-A-CH started this year, managed to raise awareness about the cryptocurrency German-speaking people of Central Europe.
The founder of Embassy Dash D-A-CH Jan Meyer (Jan Meyer) believes innovation is “a step in the right direction.” He was “glad Coinfinity made a choice in favor of cryptooperation outlets, and not those that accept cash “.
Austria has become a real springboard for cryptocurrency in view of EU membership and relatively loyal to the legal field. Unlike the German counterparts, the Austrian authority for financial markets do not require private companies to obtain a banking license to install slot machines or sale of prepaid cards.
Meyer hopes that someday the Austrian model will adopt a “big neighbor”:
“We would be happy if the German authorities expressed willingness to discuss possible options with us and suppliers, such as Coinfinity. Together we can find a solution that would help people to legitimately acquire Dash and other cryptocurrencies, and would satisfy the requirements of Supervisory authorities”.