American retail chain Walmart patent the decision on the redundancy is delivered to a purchaser of the packages on the basis of the blockchain technology.

In the application entitled “Device and method of reservation delivery”, described a system of docks for storage of the delivered packages until the recipient has no ability to come after them and actually sign the receipt. The blockchain will keep track of which cells store the docking station occupied, which are reserved for future delivery and which can be used.

“In some embodiments, the docking station uses a blockchain backup system. In fact, each docking station may be a node in the network blockchain”, the application says.

In addition, the decision mentions a public registry, so the system will be open to other participants. This suggests that Walmart may not be the only operator of the docking stations that may be located in residential areas, transport nodes and other places.

Recall that Walmart has already patented a number of solutions based on blockchain technology, including the storage of billing information, targeted delivery and control of Autonomous vehicles.
