Continuing in the cryptocurrency market bearish sentiment could be not only a source of frustration for investors, but also a good opportunity to replenish their portfolios. It is evidenced by the data BitInfoCharts, according to which the balance sheets of major addresses over the past two months has increased by more than 150 000 BTC (about $570 million at current exchange rates), writes
The first five addresses in the list are known and are cold wallets of exchanges Bittrex, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Huobi and Binance. In the period from December 17, 2018 February 25, 2019 the total balance increased by 2 879 BTC and reached almost 574 000 BTC (about 2.17 billion).
Subsequent addresses in the Top 100 partially also owns smaller exchanges, but most of their owners are unknown. During this period, their balances grew by 151 405 BTC.
As can be seen from the table, at the moment, the 100 most weighty address, not including the aforementioned five cold wallets of exchanges, contain of 12.91% of all outstanding bitcoins.
Also pay attention to the third group of wallets (1709 addresses) with 1 000 to 10 000 BTC BTC. During these two months, their combined balances decreased by 135 449 BTC, which, most likely, and moved on to larger players. However, they still control about 25% of all outstanding bitcoins.
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