Oberland: the territory between Croatia and Serbia with an area of six square kilometers, which establish new state borders in the years of postwar chaos not officially belong to any of the countries.

13 APR 2015 citizen of the Czech Republic Vit Edlichka announced the establishment on the territory of an independent sovereign state. The national motto of Oberland — “live and let live”, and the official currency is the bitcoin.

Forklog one of the first added Oberland in its news agenda, and we are closely watching the development of this social experiment. We were able to talk with the founder of Oberland Mr. Jedlička during his visit to Berlin and hear the latest news from the youngest country in the world.

So, according to Jedlicki currently is in the process of nation building in the traditional sense of the word: hundreds of people have received the citizenship of Oberland and more than half have applied.

He also said that the state model Oberland was inspired by the Republican model of the early years of independence.

“We are encouraged by the inspiring spirit of the American revolution, we understand that man needs maximum personal and economic freedom. We achieve these goals by using the latest blockchain technologies. Recently in Berlin we have partnered with DAOstack. Oberland will be the first decentralized Autonomous government and the first really working DAO in the traditional sense of the term. But not only Oberland will be arranged as DAO, but also all the institutions and organizations in the integrated it infrastructure will be able to work as DAO. This management model of the future and therefore we want to experiment and find the best solution.”

Full interview Jedlicki watch Vita on our YouTube channel.
