Zcash for Foundation has announced that it will support the ASIC-resistance as “an urgent technical priority” in response to the release of the Chinese manufacturer Bitmain miner that is compatible with the algorithm Equihash.

In a statement, the Executive Director of the Foundation zcash for Josh Cincinnati (Josh Cincinnati) States that the Fund will immediately provide resources to the study “the presence of the ASIC network power zcash for”.

Last week it was reported that in June Bitmain will start to ship ASIC miner Antminer Z9 mini designed for cryptocurrency mining algorithm Equihash, in particular, zcash for.

The concern is that more effective than with traditional hashing on the GPU ASIC miners can change the landscape of the network. Centrally used the hash-power can become a leverage of several companies, sosredotochimsya it in his hands.

However, resistance to the process of concentration of computing power through the use of specialized equipment difficult to maintain indefinitely, says Cincinnati:

“Even if we manage to neutralize the wave Equihash ASIC-s, this will not be the end of the dispute. There will inevitably be a new ASIC, and we will probably have to go through this process again.”

However, the Executive Director of the zcash for Foundation believes that it is necessary to undertake research to develop measures for ASIC-resistance, which must go through the normal voting procedure in the community. Approved network upgrade can be deployed at the end of the year a few months after the market launch of ASIC-miners-enabled algorithm Equihash.

Not to take these “Sisyphean effort” again and again, removing the problem in the short term, you need to find one effective solution, says Cincinnati,

“There must be a better way — and I think it begins with a translation of the discussion from the “ASIC-resistance” to the adoption of ASIC objectives-decentralization, less concentrated evidence of work and availability of the network. In the meantime, we must and we will act,” he concluded.
