This week Russia to finalize the development concept of the Internet of things (IoT) prepared by the Ministry of communications and Ministry of transport. She, in particular, provides for the closure of the IoT network in the country, as well as the law enforcement access to information stored on IoT platforms, writes “Kommersant”.

The authors of the concept explain the need for such measures vulnerability IoT networks and their ability to influence economic processes.

“To protect the Russian Internet of things it is proposed to establish in the country a closed network with the help of registry identifiers of devices, access points and other elements. The use of devices without identifiers will be restricted,” the document reads.

Also the possibility of introducing separate licences for companies in the IoT field.

Another noteworthy point of the concept is the provision of benefits to domestic manufacturers of equipment and developers of Internet of things by limiting the import of foreign equipment.

The initiative of the authorities so far raises a lot of questions from market participants.

In particular, the operator “VimpelCom” fears that the restriction on the use of foreign equipment “can result in technological vacuum” from-for absence in Russia of their own standards and technologies.

In addition, the requirement on connecting IoT networks to the system of means of operational-search activities may be put at a disadvantage market participants to affect the cost of service for subscribers and increase the cost of implementation of the national project “Digital economy”.

“Identifying IoT devices is required but standards should be developed by market participants and not closed only for Russia”, — said Director of the Association of Internet of things Andrey Kolesnikov.

Forklog previously reported that implementation of the requirements of the bill about the isolation of the Russian segment of the Internet, which is also included in the national project “Digital economy”, will require a budget exceeding 30 billion rubles.
