Residents of Samara wrote a collective statement to the police on the company, which carried out training courses on trading in the stock and cryptocurrency exchanges, accusing it of fraud. On it informs TV channel REN-TV.
The victims said that initially the organizers of the courses opened for students a demo account on the trading platform. Virtual money on it has increased exponentially.
“Then they offered to open a real account, promising successful candidates a permanent paying job. People invested thousands of dollars, some took for this credit, but lost all the money”, — said the defrauded customers.
It later emerged that the company has no permits and licenses to operate. Now the company itself and its website are not working.
The police of Samara checks, a procedural decision is still pending.
We will remind, earlier in March, investors of the cryptocurrency pyramid”, Cerberi” from different regions of Russia reported that an unknown person on the phone trying to find out their personal information, promising the payment of money.