The evening of November 7, unknown assailants carried out an attack re-spending in the network of Ukrainian cryptocurrency Karbo [Karbovanets].
The attacker managed to sell a small number of fake coins in a couple KRB/UAH at cryptocurrency exchange Kuna, and then withdraw in bitcoins to a private wallet, said ForkLog founder trading platform Michael chobanian.
At the moment, Kuna suspended I/o KRB and evaluates the possibility of a repetition of the attack.
Temporarily suspended the input and output KARBO because of attack of 51% on the network. Means users of Kuna has not suffered. The possibility of a repeat attack. We keep up to date
— KUNA Exchange (@KunaExchange) 8 November 2018.
However, said chobanian, technical Department of the exchange has been notified of the ongoing developers Karbovantsy, and it was decided to observe the deployment of “attack of 51%” in real time to apply the lessons learned in the future and to strengthen the security of the site.
“The loss of the experiment is minimal, basically we are talking about the time of our developers. Soon after carrying out some calculations, we will share experiences with the community, because with such a risk faced by all stock exchanges, listing which have a cryptocurrency with a low hasraton in the network”, he added.
Price KRB has responded to the event negatively. So, for the last 24 hours the average rate Karbovantsy dipped by more than 30%.
Data CoinMarketCap
We will remind, in may the re-spending attack was subjected to network Bitcoin Gold.
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