Ledger Nano’s was the first hardware crypto certified by the French Agency for security of information systems (ANSSI).
Ledger is proud to announce that the Ledger Nano’s is now the first and only certified hardware wallet!
Obtained The CSPN certificate showcases third-party assessment of its security, rather than taking our word for it.
Read more here: https://t.co/PYrRcFt15u#DontTrustVerify pic.twitter.com/tFGKhLRCbK
— Ledger (@Ledger) 18 March 2019 R.
As noted in the company blog, the process of obtaining the first level security certificate involves assessment of the product according to several criteria, including “firewalls, identification, authentication and access, security of communications and embedded software”.
“We are proud to announce the passage of the independent certification from ANSSI, — said CEO Eric Ledger Larchive. — For the Ledger security is of paramount importance”
He also promised that his company will make every effort to certify the rest of their products.
We will remind, recently the French producer of hardware wallets Ledger reported vulnerabilities from a competitor best wallet.