The developers of Ethereum in secret from the crypto community to discuss the introduction in June of 2019 updates “Ethereum 1x”, which can in a short time greatly enhance the capabilities of the system. As it became known that such a step was discussed by them in the framework of a closed-door meeting at the conference Devcon4. The authenticity of the Protocol of this meeting was confirmed by the publication of links to it on Github among other materials recent teleconference of the team.
In comments to CoinDesk, one of the developers, who preferred to hide his name, said update information is not disclosed to a wide audience, as it is too early stage of development. The document shows that the team is looking for a way to add an update to the roadmap of the project together with other, not previously addressed: for example, with the replacement of the underlying Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) for processing code of smart contracts, the introduction of “rent” for storage, smart contracts, etc.
Secrecy in the work on updating caused by the desire to reduce the influence of third parties on the speed of development. At the same time it has caused some discontent among the participants of the Ethereum community who advocate for transparency even in the formation of the closed group. After the meeting, three working groups on the issues of replacement of EVM, cost and service, smart contracts, and the promotion and discussion of the effects of such changes. November 30 team members remotely to discuss further action in these areas.
Recall that in late October, the Ethereum developers decided not to hurry and move again the second part of the hard forks Metropolis – Constantinople, which started in the summer after the testing was scheduled for October, and then shifted first for a few days, and then on Nov. The new date by which the developers came during a conference call scheduled for January-February of 2019. The implementation update is delayed due to some bugs found during testing of the network Ropsten. Earlier acne Buterin said scale Ethereum can help technology zk-SNARK created by the developers zcash for.