Startup Pundi X presented the blockchain smartphone XPhone. Using the device you can make calls without the services of Central service provider. This was announced by co-founder of pitt Juan blog on Medium.

Team Pundi X for the first time demonstrated the possibility of the blockchain smartphone and made a call with it on the summit XBlockchain Summit in Bali.

Pitt Juan said that the transfer of information during a call is done using “integrated data exchange private and public keys”. He noted that the transmitted data cannot be intercepted.

XPhone works on the blockchain Function X developed by the team of a startup.
Operating system Function X is based on Android 9.0, which is compatible with Android applications.

Every device in the ecosystem Function X will act as a node with a private address and private key. As reported by pitt Juan, Function X is capable of solving the problems of scalability, and marks a new era of decentralization on the Internet.

ForkLog previously reported that Pundi X will participate in the launch of cryptocurrency emCash in Dubai.
