The Bank of Russia registered a growing trend — the creation of financial pyramid schemes masquerading as investment cryptocurrency projects. According to the Director of the Department for combating unfair practices of the Bank of Russia Valery Lyakh, in January—June this year identified dozens of cryptopine.

The Russians are investing in such pronti 80-100 thousand rubles, while the amount of investment in conventional fraudulent scheme is 30-50 thousand rubles.

In General, the creators of cryptocurrency pyramids attract investors via the Internet. Most often their actions affected residents of large cities and Central regions, because there “the average income of the citizens above”.

At the same time, the old run-time fraud schemes in the financial market has not disappeared. According to the Bank, in the first half of 1.89 thousand identified organizations engaged in illegal lending. We are talking about illegal lenders illegally using the names of the phrase “MFI” and “micro-credit company”, while not registering in the registry of MFIs the Central Bank.

We will remind, according to the survey conducted by the investment company IW Capital, 7% of Britons believe that bitcoin is more valuable than traditional stocks and investments in securities, and 5% of those who invested in scriptactive, received financial benefits.

However, the results of a survey conducted by research company Ipsos to order of ING Bank, show that the number of European investors in cryptocurrency can be increased by almost three times in the near future.
