The people’s Bank of China (PBoC) has appealed to the government with the request to strengthen control over the investment in the blockchain industry. The document controller called “What can and can’t do the blockchain?” says that in this sector there are signs of a bubble. It is reported by CCN.
PBoC urged to soberly look at the technology and not to exaggerate its significance. The document says that “some blockchain-application — inappropriate”.
The study authors noted that speculation and manipulation were the norm in the blockchain sector, especially in the field of ICO.
“Until now, no technological innovation has had a breakthrough impact on the financial system, and the blockchain is no exception,” — the document says PBoC.
Note, China is actively developing blockchain industry. In particular, the fifth largest commercial Bank of China Bank of Communications leveraged technology distributed registry for the issue of securities. The Ministry of justice Ngoma district has launched a blockchain-based platform for monitoring persons released on parole.
In may it became known that the country will have a national Committee for standardization of the blockchain China. In addition, in October in Hainan province were the so-called free blockchain experiments.
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