Currently, crypto exchanges are at the bottom and they are also under strong pressure from users and regulators want proof that the site properly manage the funds of their users. After so many high-profile hacks and a completely ridiculous death of the sole owner of the key from cold storage in recent years, check bilinovich reserves has become an important task for companies seeking to retain the trust of its customers. In the end, only Fiat banks can not afford to provide “virtual” money in the accounts in full, and in the world of cryptocurrencies are all strictly and honestly.
Unfortunately, very few exchanges have taken steps to demonstrate their Bitcoin balances with third parties using their own internal solutions to provide evidence. The variety of approaches makes it difficult for anyone wanting to check the stocks exchange, since it is necessary to meet each system that usually requires some technical knowledge.
The Blockstream developers have previously worked on a solution that provides the best proof of the existence of reserves (proof-of-reserves) in the industry, which is widely compatible with how most Bitcoin exchanges keep their savings. BIP was submitted to the consideration of the developers of Bitcoin, and the representatives from Blockstream have begun to develop a tool for feedback with the industry.
How it all began
Initially, the developers decided to create a solution for the functionaries of the Liquid, so they can prove the existence of reserves of your sidechained L-BTC third-party auditors. However, after researching the project, they came to the conclusion that existing approaches exchanges bichenovii to conventional reserves may be much better and designed for Liquid Network, and will find wider application.
The traditional approach
The lack of a standardized methodology for the proof of existence of reserves in Bitcoin leads to two major problems.
- 1. Imprudence users. As we have seen, each exchange uses the approach of “do it yourself”, and decisions evidence of provision are technical and unfamiliar. Users have to figure out how to operate the store each exchange that they face. This leads to the fact that people have more trust and less verify.
- 2. The prospect of burglary. Proof of reserves requires staff exchanges demonstrate possession of the private keys associated with the wallets of the exchange. Often this involves moving all funds to a new address and creates a powerful vector for attack by hackers who might try to take over the store.
How does Proof of Reserves
According to the developers, instead of creating newfangled solutions “from scratch” tool is Proof of Reserves from Blockstream is using already proven methods.
If you try to explain it in the simplest terms, Proof of Reserves allows the exchange to prove how many bitcoins it could spend without having to create a “live” transaction or run the risk of the transfer of funds.
But if you go into the details and try to understand what makes a tool, let’s first understand what UTXO. Since each transfer of bitcoins throughout the history of the network use the same coin (part of a total stock of coins mined in the blockchain, not painted, for example, a Bank or another third party), you send exactly the same coins, which had previously received. However, as long as you don’t spent the coins translated to you earlier, they will be considered unspent (or in the terminology of the blockchain unspent outputs, Unspent Transaction Output, or UTXO). The peculiarity of the UTXO that they need to “spend” or “spend” whenever they are used as inputs. That is, when sending, for example, of 0.001 BTC from a 5 BTC, which was a UTXO you have on the purse, you send the first part of the addressee and the second to himself. Now, many wallets do this automatically.
Using the tool, exchange first creates a single transaction that spends all unspent outputs of the exchange (UTXO) and adds an extra invalid entry. When enabled, a false entrance, the entire transaction becomes invalid and will be rejected by the network when the network notification. However, the transaction is assembled in such a way that it can still be used as a clear evidence of all bilinovich UTXO, which can spend exchange. Tool like strips all UTXO, and leadeth them out, and UTXO, as we have seen, confirm the existence of “unspent outputs”, and hence themselves of bitcoins in the wallets of the exchange.
These transaction data can then be transmitted to anyone who needs to test the reserves. It simply imports the information in the customer’s own Proof of Reserves, to confirm the total reserves of the exchange and the addresses associated with these stocks. The solution is very simple.
Proof of Reserves is written in Rust, and currently supports Bitcoin Core wallet and best wallet. Support Ledger will also soon appear.