
Following today’s session of the Supreme court of Greece, it was decided to defer consideration of appeal from the trial court’s decision on extradition of Alexander winnik in France on 5 November.

According to reports from the courtroom, protection of the Russians – in the person of lawyer Zoe Konstantopoulou – today expressed numerous protests to the Chairman of the Areopagus. In response, the judge interrupted the lawyer, tried to take her words and rejected requirements.

So, at the initiative of the speaker of the Parliament from among the judges brought three judges out of eight, because in 2017 they, including the President of the court had taken the decision to extradite winnik in USA. In addition, the lawyer said the fear that an impartial decision, the court will not accept:

“Winnick was neither in USA nor in France. You have made a decision about his extradition to the U.S., dismissing a very serious legal arguments that are still relevant in today’s business.

The arguments of the French side for the extradition of Alexander winnick are the same as in the US, what gives us the fear that will not be an objective approach and consideration of this request because three members of the court previously made a decision on the extradition to the U.S. and created a precedent,” said Konstantopoulou.

However, after satisfying this requirement, counsel asked again to change the composition of the court and remove a judge, which “listed a number of violations of disciplinary character”. This time the court refused to form a new structure and returned to the old composition. The Chairman directly said winnick that the court has nothing against him, its “very serious matter” and “such amount of transfer (consideration) of things not (yet) happened.”

This treatment caused on the part of counsel for the prosecution of a judge in violation of the rights of a defendant and the requirement to introduce a tape recording of the meeting: according to the speaker of the Parliament, the judge has no right to appeal to the winnick bypassing the lawyer. Then the lawyer referred to the prohibition of the Collegium of advocates to work after a 15 hour day and demanded to announce a break following the hearing, the judge appointed on 5 November.

Recall that today’s meeting was also held after transfer for 5 days, because, according to the assurances of the speaker of the Parliament, winnik was carrying a few between the prisons in Thessaloniki and Athens and didn’t give him enough time to review the documents of the French side, some of which had not been translated into Russian language.

However, the lawyer Timothy Musatov said earlier that against his client in Greece is begun criminal trial. According to him, winnick learned about it from two local investigators of the financial police, who arrived him in prison to announce the interrogation.

The extradition of the Russian demand three countries. France accuses winnik in hacking e-mail of thousands of people and extorting from them money, the us accuses him of money laundering and fraud with the cryptocurrency at more than $4 billion, and in Russia – fraud in the amount of 667 thousand rubles ($11,500). This assumes that closed by the US authorities cryptocurrency exchange BTC-e and Alexander winnick could be related to interference in the U.S. presidential election in 2016 by cryptocurrency officers of the Russian GRU.
