The fourth largest in Europe and the leading Swiss stock exchange Six approved the launch under the Ticker Hodl exchange traded product ETP Amun Crypto. Next week it will start to track some of the major cryptocurrencies. 48,13% of ETP’s assets will be invested in bitcoins, 29% in XRP, of 16.39% in Ethereum, a 3.74% Bitcoin Cash ABC) and of 2.74% in Litecoin. At the same time over asset management set annual Commission of 2.5%.
According to co-founder and head of the Swiss division of London-Amun Technologies of Rachana Hani (Hany Rashwan), ETP was created in accordance with the same rules that apply to other popular among investors exchange-traded products. A plus of this product is that it gives access to the cryptocurrency in the restricted securities to institutional investors and private investors due to regulatory restrictions in their jurisdictions can’t use cryptocurrency exchanges.
In the future, says Rashwan, his company is preparing to launch new products for each scriptactive.
Recall that from 15 August, investors have been able to make indirect purchases of cryptocurrency with the purchase of US dollars exchange-traded notes (ETN) on bitcoins auctioned by the Swedish company XBT Provider AB, a subsidiary of British CoinShares Holdings Nasdaq Stockholm (NASDAQ OMX Nordic). However, the Commission securities and exchange Commission (SEC) was soon suspended trading in the ETN. One month later, the company XBT Provider AB said that before the end of the year plans to launch similar products for another 5-10 altcoins.
Meanwhile, cryptologist awaiting SEC approval to launch exchange-traded funds based on bitcoin (ETF), but Reggie brown (Reggie Browne), known as “the godfather of ETFs,“ said, in the near future this will not happen. BK Chapter Capital Management Brian Kelly (Brian Kelly) has predicted that the regulator would not take action before the end of this year, and analysts of the largest investment company of Canada Canaccord Genuity believe that the approval of the SEC bitcoin ETF can be expected before the end of the fiscal year — March 31.