The interest in cryptocurrency and the blockchain in the near future will be doubled. These findings contains a study of perceptions of technology by residents of Europe, Australia and the United States, conducted by Ipsos by order of the Dutch ING Bank B. V.

A similar study is conducted several times a year and takes into account gender, age and population in each country. The latter was conducted from 26 March to 6 April 2018 and covered 15 countries, each of which surveyed thousands of respondents.

According to the study, 66% of Europeans have heard of the crypto currency, and 35% agree that cryptonote is “the future of online payments”. Another 35% suggested that the value of cryptocurrencies will grow in the course of the year.

Share awareness of kriptonyte equal to or greater than 50% in each surveyed country. The highest in Austria (79%) and Poland (77%). In the US, 57% of respondents heard about the cryptocurrency.

Less than 1 / 10 of the surveyed residents of Europe, the US and Australia have ever owned digital assets. The survey showed that the residents of Europe who use mobile banking, more often own cryptocurrency (12%) than those who do not use (4%).

Only 9% of respondents have scriptactive, but 25% noted that they intend to purchase them in the future. The highest percentage (18%) of the ownership of digital assets is observed in Turkey, the lowest (4%) in Luxembourg.

The study showed that the majority of respondents believe that cryptocurrency is a more risky form of investment than real estate, government bonds or the stock market.

Among the preferred sources of information about investing in bitcoin in 11 of the 15 countries of the world people have chosen the specialized sites. Respondents from Spain, France and Luxembourg chose to rely on the financial and banking consultants, while the Italians have said they believe both sources are equally important.

As previously reported, 70% of the leading companies supplying IT-services market infrastructure, prepare pilot blockchain projects.
