A new study conducted by a group of employees of the Institute for science and education oak ridge, showed that updates to the blockchain, known as the “hardforce”, threaten the stability of digital currencies.

At the same time clear rules for conducting updates may help to stabilize the currency.

The researchers noted that the digital currency due to the underlying blockchain technology have the potential to transform industry and Commerce data exchange on a global scale. However, as stressed by the head of the group, Benjamin trump, management problems threaten the stability of the cryptocurrency.

“The division of the block chain cryptocurrency can lead to loss of confidence in technology and to put an end to their use as a reliable medium of exchange”, — said trump.

The researchers studied more than 800 software and hardforum bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, noting that a significant number of fortune lived even a few months. At the same time some were able to gain a foothold in the market and there are a few years.

“Hardforce are a threat to maintaining a stable and predictable platform, which is critical to the cryptocurrency if they want to be taken as a daily financial payments”, — said trump.

According to researchers, hardforce will become more regular and in 2018 will happen to 50 such updates.

As for the possible future of bitcoin, according to the researchers, for the development of this cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange for international network operators, such as miners, developers and the stock exchange, need to develop better management tools and to ensure stability.

Earlier this year, the head of the project Coinomi George Kaminis said that most forks, including Bitcoin Pizza, Candy and Bitcoin Bitcoin God, use the name of the first cryptocurrency only to create hype and generate short-term profits.

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