
Launched in March last year, the project MonetaGo focused on creating a blockchain-based solutions to combat fraud with the transfers at the Bank level and with a SWIFT started a pilot project in India, before entering the South American market announced the intention to soon move from platform Hyperledger Fabric in a network of Corda Enterprise.

In MonetaGo went to such a step after testing both systems and explain the choice the fact that regulators in Latin America potentially consider the implementation of their decisions, and the architecture of the Corda corresponds to the development fully confirms the leading status of R3 in the sphere of financial services. The platform consortium R3 manual MonetaGo attracted features save your private data, scalability, compatibility, productivity development, no direct competition with IBM Blockchain and satisfaction of the requirements of the financial industry.

Why MonetaGo is switching its fraud mitigation blockchain from Fabric to Corda #MonetaGo #blockchain #DLT #R3 #Corda #LedgerInsights

— MonetaGo (@Monetago) February 26, 2019

In the R3 took this message positively, noting that it allows you to access new benefits and broader opportunities for the application of blockchain technology.

Recall that in late January, the Japanese financial giant SBI Holdings and provider of blockchain-solutions R3 Holdo LLC announced the creation of a joint venture, whose main purpose will be to facilitate and promote licenses blockchain platform Corda R3. At the same time, Dutch Bank ING and R3 have signed an agreement under which a financial institution will receive 5 years unlimited number of licenses for commercial use of the platform.
