The founder of the Institute for blockchain studies (BRI) don Tapscott and his son Alex Tapscott, head of the investment Fund NextBlock Global has published the second augmented edition of one of the most popular books about the technology of the distributed registry of the Blockchain Revolution.

Have you seen this review of the updated #Blockchain Revolution yet?

— Don Tapscott (@dtapscott) on 9 July 2018.

The first edition of the Blockchain Revolution saw the world in may 2016 and has been translated into 15 languages, becoming a bestseller in five Asian countries. List Amazon the book is still in first place in sales among the works on the blockchain.

The second edition of the book contains a lot of new information. The authors have added a Chapter on tokens, ICO boom, the rise of Ethereum, industry leaders and the countries most loyal to the cryptocurrency (the list includes Sweden, Estonia, China, USA and UK).

Don and Alex Tapscott also analyzed the impact of bitcoin on the culture and the economy over the past two years. They are convinced that bitcoin has a great future.

“With the launch of the Lightning Network and other solutions for scaling bitcoin to justify the highest expectations and to eradicate the traditional financial intermediaries”, — said in the book.

The authors emphasize that the development of the blockchain in a country are “seven components of success,” including state support, start-up incubators, investment climate, corporate culture, educational institutions, regulators and the presence of talented community.

Note that one of the sponsors of the Blockchain Revolution Alex Tapscott associated mixed history – in the end of 2017 Fund Global NextBlock was accused of falsifying data on the composition of the advisers to the company.

After the scandal, the founder of the Foundation refused to release to the exchange and returned all funds to investors.
