
The new Zealand newspaper NZHerald reported that the police allowed a compromised crypto currency exchange Cryptopia to resume work. But it is not known whether this will happen.

“We have completed most of the work needed by the High Tech Crime Group in the office of Cryptopia, although staff HTCG stay there and finish some aspects. Cryptopia the user has full access to its facilities and premises, and the police investigation does not interfere with their business to resume work”, — quotes NZHerald inspector of the criminal police Greg Merton (Greg Murton).

However, the website is Cryptopia does not work, and still there is only the announcement of the break-in and the link to the press release, police from January 15.

Merton refused to comment on how much of the cryptocurrency was stolen from the exchange, as well as reports that the hacking Cryptopia continued after the arrival of the police in the office of the company. The inspector has denied rumors that they had to storm the building company in Christchurch.

In the previous report, the Merton emphasized that cooperating with the police and former and current employees of the company, which is itself addressed to militiamen after the break. Investigative actions in the office Cryptopia was planned to be completed by February 15.

Unnamed employees of the exchange told NZHerald that has no idea when they will open again.

According to experts of the project, Elementus, hackers stole Cryptopia over $16 million in Ethereum, and tokens of the standard ERC-20. The only comments about hacking, Director of the company Pete Dawson (Pete Dawson) called the assessment incorrect, but his figure to voice refused, reminded NZHerald.
