In the next review of the recent initiatives of the blockchain such applications, as the securities market, the insurance industry and identity management, and the geography of projects covers Asia, Africa, USA and the UK.

Bureau of customs and border protection is testing blockchain-based tracking system of goods and commodities

Where: USA
In what field: document management, certificates of origin
Aim: to optimize processes, increase transparency and speed of operations
Those involved inBureau of customs and border protection
Technology used: development of the Ministry of internal security Estimated date of implementation: unknown
Link: GCN

Stock exchange of Singapore uses the blockchain to settle licenzirovanie assets

Where: Singapore
In what area: securities market
Goal: optimized processes, reduced costs, increased transparency and speed of operations and accountability of assets
Who does: the Singapore exchange (SGX), the Monetary authority of Singapore (MCA)
The technology used isthe Nasdaq, Deloitte, Anquan
Estimated date of implementation: unknown (the first detailed report in November 2018)
Reference: SGX

The British government is studying the possibility of using the blockchain for digital identity

Where: United Kingdom
In what area: identity management
Goal: improve safety
Who is: the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers, Service of courts and tribunals, Her Majesty’s (HMCTS)
Technology used: under discussion
Estimated date of implementation: unknown
Link: Inside HMCTS

Kenya uses the blockchain in the system of voting

Where: Kenya
In what area: election
Goal: to ensure the integrity of the voting results, increasing confidence in the voting process
Who is: the Independent electoral and boundary Commission (IEBC)
Technology used: unknown
Estimated date of implementation: unknown
Reference: Bloomberg

A division of MetLife Asia tested insurance product on the basis of the blockchain

Where: Singapore
In what area: health insurance
Objective: financial protection of patients (gestational diabetes in pregnancy)
Who is: LumenLab, SwissRe, Cognizant, Vault Dragon
Used technology: Cognizant
Estimated date of implementation: unknown, under test
Link: LumenLab

The Shanghai stock exchange uses the blockchain in insurance

Where: Shanghai
In what area: the insurance industry
Goal: create new high-performance, low-cost and more reliable the insurance industry
Who dealswith the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), Changjiang Pension Insurance Company, Tokyo Maritime Sunshine
Technology used: unknown
Estimated date of implementation: unknown
Reference: CoinTelegraph
