
The developers of a decentralized online platform OpenBazaar announced that the release of version 2.2.2 will allow on the trading platform becomesone p2p transactions with over 1500 cryptocurrencies presented on CoinMarketCap. Users do not need to confirm their identity, and they will be able to raise or lower the price of digital assets at its discretion.

Check it out! The latest release 2.2.2 enables trading 1,500+ cryptocurrencies AND users can now trade coins at a mark up or discount. Let us know what you think 👉

— OpenBazaar (@openbazaar) July 27, 2018

Recall that in March this year, the developer OB1, which is in 2017 have created OpenBazaar platform, raised $5 million investment to Finance part of the series, And in may introduced an anonymous Commission-free cryptocurrency trading. Before the release of OpenBazaar 2.2.2 platform supported by 60 cryptocurrency.
