
According to a new report published in the international scientific journal Nature, ecological consequences of the wider use of bitcoins could be a global warming of 2 °C.

The study authors examined data on electricity consumption for the mining of cryptocurrencies and the possible scenarios of the spread of bitcoins and came to the conclusion that even with the low median in the trend growth of the aggregate emissions of the PTS would lead to such an effect, 22 years later, and with greater adaptation for 11 years.

Scientists believe that in the coming years the fuels for the production of cryptocurrencies will remain “relatively fixed”. And as of may of 2018, based on the cost of electricity to mine bitcoins, this process leads to the release into the atmosphere of 33.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

A logical step for miners, says the document, will change locations in favor of locations with cheaper electricity. And to mitigate the influence of industry on the environment will be possible, if the cost of electricity obtained from renewable sources, will be lower than when using conventional hydrocarbon fuels. Another option of achieving the same result is to use better hardware for mining, but it has yet to be invented.

Recall that another study earlier conducted by the world economic forum (WEF) in conjunction with the auditing giant PwC has identified more than 65 ways to use blockchain technology for solving some pressing environmental problems facing the planet.
