Judging by the Novogratz Twitter, he was sceptical about cryptocurrency project and Telegram token Gram. Considering that the launch of the platform TON postponed for April next year, as well as lengthy court proceedings with the Commission on securities and exchange Commission (SEC), Novogratz believes that the company’s Telegram maybe. Messenger there is no need to run the platform based on blockchain or cryptocurrency, as the community “don’t need another digital asset, or another blockchain”.
The businessman suggested that the Telegram company turned its huge user base in the cryptocurrency traders, introducing your messenger stable bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Novogratz also recommended to buy gold and bitcoin after the introduction of Deutsche Bank negative interest rates for deposits above 100 000 euros.
In early March, when bitcoin started to fall down with the rest of the markets, the Novogratz have lost confidence in the first cryptocurrency. However, at the end of the month he stated that due to financial turmoil in 2020 will be “the year of bitcoin”.